Children and Family Services
Providing a safe and supportive environment to strengthen relationships and enhance overall family well-being. Fostering understanding, empathy, and cooperation to create a nurturing and harmonious family dynamic.
What’s on this page?
Case Management
Our Case Managers will work alongside the therapist to provide trauma-informed organized care by assisting children and their families with skills discussed during therapy through supported individual counseling, assist with improving Daily Living Skills, and completing psychosocial assessments. Our Case managers will work with you and your child to understand their needs and connect them with the appropriate resources. Case Managers can provide services with obtaining resources for children and their families, such as housing assistance, Medicaid applications, SNAP benefits, locating community resources that can benefit the overall wellbeing of the child. Case Managers also can participate in IEP meetings as an advocate for the child, as well as ensure follow up with outside agencies so your child doesn't "fall through the cracks". Our case managers are in contact with local outside agencies and community organizations and can assist with finding youth-specific events and opportunities for social engagement and growth in their local community. If you choose to enroll with our Case Management Services, you will receive comprehensive and individualized care and review treatment and progress with a team approach.
Targeted Case Management
Children and Families Case Management
Adolescents with Substance Use Case Management
Valley Healthcare is fully committed to providing North Central West Virginia with mental health services to stabilize those in crisis and provide the necessary treatment for those with complex mental illnesses. Our children’s therapist will help your child learn to identify triggers and learn healthy coping skills for youth. Our children’s therapist will work with families to ensure they understand how to best support their child through these difficult times. If your child needs more intensive outpatient therapy, our case managers can provide Supported Individual Counseling sessions in between sessions with the children’s therapist to ensure the child has the support they may require. We will work with other agencies, organizations, and community supports to ensure our consumers receive high quality care.
We offer therapy services for children to fit their needs. Therapy can assist with mental health concerns such as, but not limited to:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Conduct Disorder (CD)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Tourette Syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
Due to complexities of mental health disorders and the growing mind of a child, our therapist can see children ages 7 and up for in-person therapy. We have the option of telehealth for ages 12 and up for therapy; however, with children, we strongly encourage in-person therapy sessions, if possible, for the best possible outcome.
Family Therapy
The goal of family therapy is to foster healthy communication, enhance understanding, promote empathy, and develop effective problem-solving strategies, ultimately strengthening the overall well-being and resilience of the family as a whole. Through a collaborative and systemic approach, family therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for family members to explore their feelings, resolve conflicts, and create positive change.
What Can You Do as a Parent/Caregiver?
Active Listening - put aside distractions so you can be fully present for the conversation, acknowledge and validate your child's feelings, and ask open-ended questions.
Early Intervention - the key to success is early intervention; address mental health conditions and trauma in children and young adults when they arise. Contact us at Valley Healthcare to schedule an assessment to determine what therapeutic interventions may be necessary for your child.
Our services are available to any individual in need of behavioral health care, regardless of income, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, citizenship status, political affiliation, religion, and/or disability.
If your child is in an immediate crisis, please call the WV Children's Hotline 844-HELP4WV or 844-435-7498 or call the national suicide & crisis hotline at 988 Crisis Text Line: 741-741